The original plan had been to start really early and sail to Zygi and back. Both Tim and I looked at the weather, and there was a possibility we could do it. The forecast said northerly then easterly changing to southerly around mid-day. I was slightly sceptical as only one of the forecasts said that the northerly and easterly would be anything other than a few knots of wind. But it was worth a try.
As it turned out, the winds were light. For the first few hours it was 2-4 knots so we motor sailed. It's an algorithm we call 'snudge' on the electric drive, where we give it a tiny kick and it really helps so with 8-10 amps on the electric drive we were sailing at 4 knots in 4 knots of wind. Not racing along but a gentle potter.

It did, but not with the quantity or direction we wanted, so we just headed out and put up the asymmetric and the mizzen stay sail.
We've not had these light wind sails up for quite a while. 120 degrees wind and we're heading in the wrong direction but sailing. Light winds still so we head for home.

However, today approaching from the south there was a south marker buoy! It hadn't been there when we left at 7AM.

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